theres a level of freedom in poverty To be too broke to make payment arrangements or even promises... is liberating thats what i see when i sit at the window on my handy-dandy trusty blue grounding stool... looking out at the mayhem that ensues EVERY warm sunny day (because apparently the cold is not conducive to the proper carrying out of shenanigans)... freedom to... just not give a ****... Freedom from fear of consequences. Freedom from fear of judgement. Freedom from Integration, and all that comes with it... like "microaggresions". no honey, all these aggressions are of the macro sort... major even. In the face... or upside the head whats a lil blood spilled? whats a lil jail time?... thats IF "5-0" even shows up to this place Liberating I say...
part b:
I have made my own newly liberated self a fixture in this place of refugees... pleasant but serious and easily recognized by free flowing vibe loud clothes and wild hair sharing milk and fruit and mothers care... who quietly exits when the liquor flows too freely because life here is cheap... and times are hard... and tempers flare and I would rather sit at the window on my handy-dandy trusty blue grounding stool... looking out at the mayhem... than to be out there
After my divorce I had to move temporarily to an economically disenfranchised neighborhood. It was regularly wild and often oddly surreal.