I know how short the time is I know that it's not infinite I basked in the sunshine and took advantage Not knowing how short life is
One day I'm so deep in love with you I thought it was forever Next day I get a phone call The coroner needs to identify your cadaver
I know how short the time is I know that it's not infinite One day I thought you were my lover The next day I almost got ***** by our mutual friend
Still I'm kinda stubborn I don't wanna believe hope does not exist I don't wanna be cold like my mother I want to feel loved again
I know how short the time is I know that it's not infinite But for now I'd like to pretend That I like you and you like me so we can share warmth with our flesh Before the pain is fresh
I've spent so long in hibernation My heart has reached freezing temperatures I know we don't get much time together I'd like to savor these moments
I'd like to pretend I'm Robin Hood stealing time with you