This time Lord I'm gonna trust you This time Lord I'm gonna get it right This time Lord I'm gonna change This time Lord I'll walk in the light But this time I falter, this time I fail I take my eyes off you, and start to flail You reach out and pull me in tight You never grow weary of forgiving me It is I who grow tired of asking to be I know I'm unworthy, but I am ever grateful Because without your grace I'm incapable Of doing any good apart from You
This time Lord I'm gonna spend with you This time Lord everything will be alright This time Lord, you're changing me This time Lord I'm awash in your light And this time Lord I wait, and I wonder As waves of mercy pull me under You reach out to me and pull me close You never grow weary of showing your love for me It never gets old; this sensation of being free You call me worthy, and so I will rejoice Because by your grace I am given a choice Of never having to be apart from You