It's when I dream of you that I see our true colors
Highways and wildfires and the depths of the ocean so deep and dark and heavy that the creatures that live there will die if they come too close to the light on the surface
Your lips dance and eyes glow as you tell me everything I want to hear
"There is no one like you, no one compares"
"I missed you"
"Welcome home"
I dream of our first embrace after all this time
As we tangle up like shoelaces in the dryer
I feel you, smell you, it all seems so real
But when I pull back, why am I crying still?
Throughout the dream I can't stop embracing you
Even after you tell me you're taking another girl out
I look at you with quivering lips as I rebuild the walls I worked so hard to break through
Brick by brick, I pray that you notice, that you ask me what's wrong
But just like the old days, you pay no attention
I'm silent and sad, still and stoic, but on the inside I feel like I've been locked in a cage that has just been thrown in the ocean
I take one last look at the place we called home together
The sand and the Joshua Trees and the dogs in the yard
I look into your clear eyes, mine burning with tears
As I say the words that I'm only brave enough to say in my dreams