Newton’s laws won’t light the way, Second’s just a dull cliché. Force? An abstract, crude distortion, Spreading lies in full proportion.
Pseudoscience rots the brain, Meant for fools—its prime domain. Faith, not thought, they take as guiding, Thus, to Hell, the doors swing wider.
Hell seeps in through half-truths, fables, Smashing Truth beneath its tables. Spirit's wiped from all their lore— "Knowledge" fit for flies and more.
Spirit forms the world's foundation, Science sells it for damnation. Fear and nonsense shape their quota— Just like CowID... their own quota.
We serve for gold, with **** we mingle, Yet fear alone drives all our ways. The soulless lords need slaves to swindle, While "God’s own serf" finds hell his praise.
Cain and Abel, Magdalene— Tales for fools, a dull routine. Want some horror? Here you go: Christ’s own blood in wine will flow...