Life is strange and everything is a door I'm Alice as I carefully explore Everything is strange and nothing makes sense Lots of things that make a body feel dense I go down a road and explore Every day I'm seeing more The annoying horse fly beside the Valentine's Sale A creepy bearded smile. How many poor unfortunate souls has he impaled? The lanky green bean with the squeaky voice Apparently energy drinks are his choice The grumpy potato with his ginger hair Did he wear those ***** shorts on a dare? The creepy voices that would freeze one in fear Apparently that evil ***** has no loved ones my dear Creepy rotten apple evil smiles Apparently they are the witches in the tribulation trials The glasses wearing cricket says "Hurumph" I growl with anger as I think of that stupid shorty as I realize nothing rhymes with hurumph Grrrrr I guess I'm just the heroine in my own little fairy tale When will my adventure set sail? The adventure that started with a grumpy carrot headed chipmunk Lots of things to get one in a funk The last boss of all is a glasses wearing Napoleon that isn't very tall I guess I'll just sit and read and read some more Maybe I'll find some more fairy tales to explore?