The weight held. Cherished, revered like a sacred badge. The meaning lost. Lost.
Memories we share of the store, so small in that huge unreal place. We spin and stare and tremble. Were is she? Why did she go ? Rushing towards vaguely the same color or pattern we cling to a leg.
"Well hello, there". Oh, my god , my god. Why would you do that to me ? You tricked me. What did I do ? It's not her.
Panic and confusion. Terrified . Chest heaving, tears hot and heavy. betrayal, security shattered. The world so huge and cold and uncaring.
The strange lady begins to laugh. You would laugh at me ? My tears are funny to you? Heartless monsters! Running away ,run, run , run.
What do I do ? Things will never be the same. Realizing you don't have the answers and losing control, that's not even the worst part. The inability to think, to focus, to remember.