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Oct 2013
i saw you for the first time,
in a very long time,
yesterday evening.
you were sitting at your desk,
burying your nose in paperwork,
rushing to get it done.
you looked so tired,
you looked so frail.
if i were to touch you,
you would have crumpled over.
you once told me that,
you'd never be the person
stuck behind a desk for hours,
being apart of something
that you never wanted to do.
you always told me you'd be free,
that'd you be creative,
and joyful.
but the tables turned,
and you were forced to apply
for a job you didn't want,
that you didn't enjoy.
and the happiness is drained from your face.
and there in no life in your eyes.
and when you looked up,
you hardly recognized me.
a dazed and confused girl,
lost in this filthy horror show.
Lincoln H
Written by
Lincoln H  America
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