when I awake and the bed is wet with sweat, the wind knocks against the window pane, I fret that I should let in the wind, it is plain to see I am not better yet, when I awake to realize the day is not arrived, in the dark alone I lay and cannot close my eyes what if I forgot to lock the door, what if that shadow in the corner,
is much more that a figment of my restless mind, the sheet is knotted now and I am in a bind I just curl up and wilt I curl up, I am not built of steel or concrete, I am flesh, slowly rotting meat I curl up and pray for light of any kind, even headlights from the road, the dark has absorbed it all so as I fall I curl up, so I don't fall down into despair not knowing where it is I sleep tonight, would anyone even care? I hope, whoever she is, beside me, knows where and will tell me in the morning and not leave without a warning ... I pray softly, "please pretend to care"