If I am to fall in love again, O lovely Aphrodite- I beg of you: Won't you make it soft?
Give me a love like the first sigh of Summer, as Life unfurls from cold clutches. For Life has been far too cruel O Blessed Aine for someone such as I; A poet with a heart tender as the flesh of fresh fruit.
Please, O hallowed Venus- Won't you bless me with adoration so divine that when the wrath of Hell below and Heaven above swallow us whole in a maw of magma, People will discover us centuries later and find only One soul; An amalgamation of an abomination so lovely that Shelley's Wretch learns to blush from His pyre.
O holy Ishtar, won't you allow me a love rooted in tenderness. Allow me fleeting touches and a devotion worthy of a temple.
If I am to fall in love again, won't you bandage my bleeding heart first?
Call me a sap, a romantic, or whatnot- I've always adored the idea of a romance that worships (also, it's Valentine's Day, so I'm like obligated or something)