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Oct 2013
When You and I
Waylaid in wilderness
And the path is lost!!!

I shall shower
My love on you
Everyday, in new ways
Love dainties host.
My soul into you
I shall pour.

Each part of body
Will be an island tour
With loving glance
My heart will click
The choicest kisses
In silken shades flick.

On every island
An age will be stake
In each age love’s
New flavor and shade
Sometimes as lotus
I shall bloom
Sometimes as
Jacaranda zoom.

Panorama shots
Of love arcades
Flowers and trees
Make cavalcade
In it love’s sweet
Fragrance blows
Love birds tweet
Lilting music flows.

From age to age
We shift our stage
We shall bind ever
To new cage
Where pain and hunger
Do not strike
Life unfazed
By price hikes.
Written by
C P Sharma
   Niveda Nahta
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