Does a dead man breath ? Does not so ,I suppose. But the dead man breaths . Haunted by his past , Haunted by his future, The dead man breaths.
Does a dead man breath? Does not so, I suppose. But the dead man breaths. By not his actions , By actions of his sons. By not his oaths , By oaths of his sons.
Does a dead man breath? Does not so ,I suppose. But the dead man breaths. Holding everything he loved , Holding every speck ;with his love , He closed his eyes, He closed his life. Thus the dead man breathed.
I found a very interesting comment on a video It said " A dead man breaths " It led to a profound realisation that if a dead man to breathe It to not by him but the duties he served in life And through not by him but through what he created So Ye I really just liked the comment and kinda tried to expand on it poetically I think this is very different from my average poems But hope you liked it nonetheless