There are demons and evil spirits Lurking in the shadows of our minds and hearts Some small forgotten corner is where it starts It only takes a single little crack For the evil to take root and attack It eats away slowly, carefully biding its time And, until it is too late, you think you are fine It starts small: softening the edges Bit by bit shifting and driving wedges It is a poison sweeping through A silent, deadly killer it is true But worst of all it affects the greater whole It takes a soul as pure and white as snow And works to turn it black as coal There is no cure for this disease It is part of our Human Condition But with careful care and treatment This cancer can go into remission There is a way that we can fight Tools and medicine to battle the blight The Rosary: blazing cord of burning truth Evil screams and flees in proof Prayer and praise our armor and shield To protect us on the battlefield Calling down Great Heaven's Might Saints and Angels put foes to flight Holy men and women we have known Show us always; we do not fight alone Commanding the evil in the name of the Lord We Rebuke Renounce and Cast Out And, by the Mercy and Grace of God's own Son, May goodness and peace be restored