Islam: come closer: come come! to witness the Literacy of the North Men! come Islam! come the Quran come the Bible into the domain: of Edda... we knew words in ice as you knew them in sand... drink a glass of water or eat 20 ice cubes: i ask you: what... supposed: Cousin... literacy: are... you... bringing... to... break... the North! these... oh these... let's watch Islam dissolve: because it: trying to be true: would only allow for one schism: but not even that: unlike the Jews a Racial ****! because Christianity is basically all the other pagan and polytheistic religions and peoples of this world: then no surprise: there are the Iranians and the Arabs... there is Islam and there is the Bahai and the ****'ite: and we know Islam is dying it's sad to see a religion die: because so many people turn into mindless zombies and pedohpiles and suiciude bombers it's like the opposite of how Christianity was born: with martyrs liars and popes... and Christian overlord fake wanking monks... the Teutons... crusaders... blah blah... dying used to be so easy: you'd lose a sense of taste: or smell... or feeling: death used to be a Cherub sweet now the anaesthetic implores the man as parasiting ego still alive... God didn't die in the 19th Century with Nietzsche: autistic me sort of plays darts.. Islam is dying: Christianity can't die because it's the best Brothel in the World... Christianity can't die because it is a Brothel the best Brothel in the World and i'm not going to vouch for baptised Christ before like St. Augustine pristine prebaptised Christ? such a short story and 2000 years and going? why?! Islam is dying? ever witness a monotheism die? because the supposed truths are too easily falsified? while Christianity: yes: it's a falsehood: but whast is 1 - - 1? minus minus christos: // minus minus... it's a plus: i know: very weird: but unlike Nietzsche i had a different sunset: the death of god is actually a death of individuality: i'm witnessing the death of Islam: unlike a predecessor: a polytheism died: but the people endured: a religious death in the realm of of monotheism is that much different that: something has to be done with the God... so...
Allah must be the only son of Yahweh: after all: what is 72 + 27? 99 and if numbers speak and are not spatial orientation coordinators... please watch the death of ISlam with me... it's such a good, slow... moo... moovie... let's watch it together! come on come on come on! let's see Islam die: let's watch with sadism its last hope to call upon all the darkness and blah blah! let's see it implode having been injected with Arabs settling on rich oil filled sands!