I do believe in ghosts But I don't think they need to be dead To cause fear And horror stories
They can make things happen That should never happen And make people see things That they shouldn't see Even when they're breathing And their heart is pumping their cold blood
I do believe in ghosts But they don't haunt houses They haunt minds
They screech open the doors To anxiety and panic Making a terrible noise In my heart
You feel as if they're in the halls of your very being Watching you Maybe even controlling you Whispering loud enough So that only you can hear
I do believe in ghosts But I don't think that they can walk through walls Because people right next door Have never seen the same ghost that haunts me They can only hear Pleas And screams When it jumps at me
I do believe in ghosts Because I have one That haunts me
My dead people are stars
(this note was written by a painting of everything. Literally everything. Everything when piled over eachother looked like nothing.)