I put your hat on my head It made me feel closer to you From across that room It was you and I And nobody knew But they all knew
We used silly excuses to bridge the gap The gap that kept me safe The empty space Full of everyone else Where the party was happening So no one would know But they all knew
And oh god, I overdressed Not in a **** way In a too many layers way And I decided to take off my sweater Attempting to disarray my face From the disarray I felt And because it's arrogant to think so I told myself no one noticed But they did Ha And I knew it
And we took our sweet time We let the alcohol move us It always moved me the same direction Your moves mirroring mine And that was all I needed So we didn't stop to take notice We just knew Everyone did
And then we could finally touch Nothing too fancy It was enough to share space Our excuses built up high around us An appropriate illusion Protecting us from ourselves So we wouldn't have to talk about the truth That everyone else could That strangers often did That we would casually shrug away But we knew And they did too
It's a shame that it came down to that night Because there was someone else watching you Someone you used to love Someone who loved you still Someone whose composure was now mine Left under my watchful eye Someone I'd rather not have known Especially that night
And it really wasn't fair The way you could ignore it The way you left it all up to me That you wouldn't share in this too That you left me alone with her It wasn't fair
And if she hadn't been there that night Waiting for her end Not ready for it yet If I hadn't been there That night Compromised by empathy Looking at you and understanding how bad it could hurt How awful it would be To be her instead of me It would have been different Another night and it would have been different And they all knew that They could all see But you didn't
And I think you felt betrayed That I wouldn't give you my emotion The emotion you knew I had The emotion we built walls for Because you had it too But I couldn't And you knew But you didn't know why
And the connection broke that night The connection was all we had We broke it with all the things we didn't say And we knew it was silly And we still didn't speak
I hope it was pain not pride And I hope you regret it Like I do It could have been different It was just that night And everyone saw it And they all knew But no one saved us From ourselves