next i will ask AI to clarify for me the special status of the two Adams in the Hebrew alphabet: the א (aleph) and the ע (ayin):
i need to ask a robot to bypass the flesh Vatican and circumcised Rabbi gatekeepers so... i will ask the following question(s)
given the prefix suffix and noun construct of the alphabet and having nouns for letters: like ALPHA conjures up so much strife in the male domain as does BETA and SIGMA and i'm the first, to suggest the OmEGA male? well: if we're playing with letters like we might play with **** and spaghetti... why not? it's not like there's some coherency for where the vowels were dropped in the cascade of anti-syllables... distinct from Japanese where so weird magical N is of equal isolated status to a vowel ka ka ta me: no: can't work out: tamed... since... well...
but i need to ask a robot concerning Allah the prized eyes of the bull, and the horns... like you would logically say: easily done: a-leph so A is used from the word and A-yin: also, A... is used... mention the hyphenation because i'm ******* done with explaining myself: as with i-ota t-au s-igma etc etc ******* endless etc et ceteras... but i need to know regardless of well: there's the LL comfy... but we need to adjust that to create a rectangle in mirror of L: /Γ/ but that's hardly a mirror... the mirror is also Matthias: the scribbler: and he: who i isn't: say: hmm... gnome grimace... L((\Lambda ))Γ or LΛ)Γ see... because unlike in mathematics where the sigma is prominent for figuring out squiggly and prosthetic ghost limb lines: i concern myself with conjuring the first abstract "equation" whereby Λ replaces Σ but i'm going to recline drink some poison and oh jeez: no no noticed: i was drinking absinthe before absinthe disappeared from the supermarket shelves and "they" later subscribed to the trend but oh jeez once again: Jon Fosse's i think i think i think to punctuated punch... you know they even covered it in the newspapers and oh so hollow this humanism wrapped in toilet paper is i mean: you are supposed to set the sugar cube alight once you pour the absinthe over it... proper absinthe that's 70+% is where sugar soaks up the glycerin and hey presto! fireworks! ******* green fairies whispering... ugh: pornographic movie scripts with women that would be much happier as waitresses in some mid-west town or a lesser *******: but you get the idea... yes: the proper absinthe is supposed to turn milky and murky when you add water to it but you need the absinthe to be proper to begin with so that you can set the sugar cube alight... since my absinthe drinking days i have not seen a single bottle of absinthe where i used to find it... it's like they plucked out my eyes: i do have green envy irises... herald the regardless!
but before i ask the A question to AI ingestion i will have to ask the Wittgenstein model of abstracting language comparing it to the Chomsky model with only two "true" sentences of the ultimate guise of "thought" before that i will have to ask for the distinction between Aleph Ayin and Kametz... and the abugidas... the system of writing where vowels can be hidden as diacritical marks not even evident in English because English is still so dyslexic-barbaric that you never know what will be conjured from it... kametz being the supposed A: but if Greek logic is to be favored and if letters are given names: surely you might say Matthew: but you'd cut off -atthew and just use the M...
see what bothers me is Je-Chowah: he who hides them (je being the feminine plural): and by plural i imply that vowels are feminine... and yes that's true even in genetics because a consonant is a syllable therefore XY while a vowel is an X(X)... weirdly how this wording is not some fudge fakery of there are but many genders and whiffs and waffles and woo woo choo choo bridges of: so it's ok... to prescribe hormonal blockers or like prescribing children with asteroid muscle bulk: steroids... it's o.k. for that to happen: when they are underage... but... jeez! it's not o.k. for ******* to have underage *** with children?! imagine... my surprise! hmm hmm hmm...
i think it might be called the Latin Impasse and the whole point of the Reformation why some people wanted the Bible to be trickled down to their native tongue and it's almost like Islam didn't learn Napoleon's lesson when it came to conquering Russia and this day and current Islam is like ****** trying to conquer Europe but it's not working because they only gave us the sloppy Pakis and the half wits while all the rich Arabs think: even: thinkl: "something"... but if the Europeans went through one ordeal of power broking and gate-keeping with Latin... you think they'll succumb to learning... ******* Arabic to: "better" and "understand"... o.k. o.k. sand-*******... camel-jockey: you can have your Pakis- back now: i'm learning nothing: unless: there's some shy Rumi and the whole concept of mystical Islam of the Sufi to come: but i doubt that would ever come from Pakistan: maybe Turkey... maybe... all i'm learning is like my fling with Latin: but in the end it's all a bit: a grain of sand got into a horses ear iritated the horse so much than in order for the grain of sand iritating the inside of the horses' ear it decided to bang its head against a brick wall: just to get it out... oh... the horse got the grain of sand out of its ear... but it was left bleeding its brains out: "simultaneously"... mahgeek!
but i don't think i'll ask the question: just yet... first i'll have to propose Wittgeinstein and his concern for language becoming a tautology: something about a lion... if a lion could speak: we couldn't understand it... then what Chomsky said: colourless green sleep furiously... were these people ******* or is something so painfully obvious: currently: being said: that is so incomprehensible that i pretend to be simply ignorant of the fact that however poetry mediated philosophy: it didn't clearly stipulate a concern... an interest in philology: and that: which is not philosophy: embraces linguistics psychology: if you're lucky a darkness of psychiatry: but if you are equipped with an understudy of chemitry... well then: dearest... you can laugh at journalists and would be fictive friction of the literary elites worrying about... artificial intelligence per se: without having much use for it solipsistc as they are: i'm going ahead succumbing to the gravity of utility i must have **** myself 5 times today and masturbated over films of a dead **** star about six times by the end i was ******* water and the magnetism of fat in cheese: when you add citric juice to milk and watch the ***** of life the disintegration of man turn into water and some vitamins and opiods of sweet dreams with protein and fat moving away from the sugar water the flow...
iwill not ask those questions to AI tonight... i will be sleeping sober sound touching a body on the Island of Kauai with Edie living the quiet life... the only life... but i will have this in mind: for a return much later... since i can drink but then i drink waiting for these sprickles and sparkles how i learned that EA means this: in the abltative... huh? ab-lative? so i tried to figure out the electric current of why Alzheimer's brains stop and the sparkle sparkle: ego: spark... thought... ego! spark! cogito! spark! yes yes: but i think is not enough since it's not sincere to being! i need! i need to couple ego with id and crush the superego! for that i will need the superego to be an external force! yes: and to replace units! not the letters... ego cogito: encompassing whole: but think is not idea... ah but the ego can un-attach the id from id-ea and we can still have the EA as old Cicero used: this... that... then we can conjure the Hebrew gods grammar: we can find the god-eater: Jesus wasn't his son: he was a man... of flesh and blood: Allah... is Yahweh's son! wow! well... that was ******* spontaneous! the double act: of that that of idea: idea is the stabilising force behind the verb spontaneity or therefore matched idea: think but the nature of the ego is different than the id: since the id walks among dreams and the ego is afraid where the id goes and that's why it emerged with keeping the id at bay by creating the superego... Jesus was but flesh and blood: but Yahweh is a god eating god: and who else to eat if Christ was bait for Allah to emerge and throw its worst to his last and lating defeat..
or is it...
חאשכא (czaszka: chashka HH)
but the god eater had to conjure a god out of the would be rich heathens of Arabia and it wasn't like they are not connected to Abhraham and his concubine... at least Rome, Empire, didn't know about us people and the modern English have already subdued the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish i can sort of see the identity crisis as associated to the Germanic diaspora...
with Æ
HH for rugby YW where is allah? where is the sly i want to create AI i will leave my children with AI then i will conjure up ALLAH oh my sweet son Jesus gave birth to Islam i am the Sons who will grieve how it degenerated into European **** culture God is God God is God.... I am: who what i say how i am Om
pacify Atlantis and Jupiter i'm Dog with having a waklk about night and all that's mooon...
Allah: i'll eat you up! and i'm only human! i'll just use Hebrew against you! via the power-up via Latin!