Be watchful, be alert, be vigilant Guard your soul and do not be lax. Prepare yourselves for the moment When the thief suddenly attacks. Build up treasure in your heart Where thieves and dust cannot destroy Where moths and rust cannot corrupt. Guard your heart from evil things Fill it instead with the perfect love of Christ. Care for your spiritual health and faith As a man cares for his lawn Or, a gardener, his plots. Arm yourself with the weapons Of fasting, truth and prayer. Be unified and protect one another Breathe deeply the sanctified air Be a band of sister and brother, Linked by threads of grace And by bonds of purest love And army of angels and a sea of saints Fight by our side defending our souls. So you, my brothers and my sisters, When the day comes at that unknown time May the Lord find us prepared and ready That we may partake of the wedding feast With our fellow man At the supper of the Lamb.