i might watch **** but i end up jerking off to pictures of only her and it's so grotesquely woo wind chimes and farm so wind and chimney a witch-cha-choo?! hyphen unlike just thinking about the letters... so they send their poor Pakis into the Realms of the Varaginians... and they don't think we might be also: ******? just curious... how would YHW?H eat up the Muslim god i will need Aleph and ayin... so the incision is between al-lah... there? can i make an incision: etymological: or otherwise, there? come on: just a tease! just look at the letters! they were supposed to be cosonants: i don't know how the prefix suffix cut-off works around these places A-Leph A(le)-Ph... phi high?!
nectarines... ******* nectarines and the bother of the fact i'm a dreaming Roman general and i have a foster daughter and there are barbarians at my gate and i need to defend her and she's playing oops e! daisy and i'm o.k. with that because i want evil in the most format form and i want to see evil in her and she will not like it when i'll show her the war and i'm o.k. with that... i didn't come i don't come... from a place formerly known as Rome... who are these English folk? weirdos Anglo Saxon Celt part Scotch the **** are these mongrels up to?!