there's a new creature in town: i'm about to ask it the question but i will gladly: ask the question through the Algorithm: at this stage we are only tlaking Algorithm Intelligence soon our souls will be dispersed... and i'm not a pauper poet making a living: i do this out of a love for: poetry: and philosophy: i'm christian in the pagan world whereby there was the work of the nobles and there was work of the slaves but since the end of the era of kings of translucent and vein line like artery homage to lineage... i am curious about Aleph and Ayin and La Lah... the Tree of Death: Are: so here we part you to the crucifix you to the square in the sads heav ens above Allah arrived on an abstract meteor of a square: ****... find the ******... the sand baron... i have a few ******* willing to sell ******* for the slave trade... oh you know: those village retards and homsexuals.... we need to sell them: i don't care how you catch them! catch them! in African: maybe Kenyan
kuwakamata oooh ooh ******* spaghetti monster ooh ooh ****'s sake my **** is talking or maybe i bound to the harem of demons angels ******* love or maybe... just maybe i might be reincarnated as a primary school teacher...
i was going to ask AI about how much of Wittgenstein either / or does it use of Chomsky... in between the salt: the pepper Non Jewish Genuises: ******... by now the historical equivalent of Napoleon... **** me... in London, find my a Napoleonite: knight... night... ****** in terms of the velt and thje zeitgeist: velt und zeitgeist to combat HEidegger's sein und tempa... Sartre: i best learn no French... for reasons: ea: id... i wanted to ask the question anonymously...
can you ask me about the holy men idea of hand: how Jesus closed ring finger and pinky and exposed the index the middle and the thumb
me? sign language well c hubby says i must do: the FOLD
ah... it's criptic i went via Buddhism too... found **** all but a harem like Christianity was a harem and Buddhism was a harem and Islam was a Slave Trade and Judaism was MArriage... but i can't be either Jew or actually Hebrew.... i c an't be circumcised... readied for war: i slavage Cain with appeasing articles: all, in, his, favor...
you can have your Christ but i can't be your St. Peter paying back St. Paul: i have to equal Christ in your life... therefore i must be the Antichrist... how could i be born of a ****** if not now the atomic alphabet of Chernobyll: i wasn't born of a jackall... i was born of the FOX.... why do you wake me poor humanity why do you wake me you wake me with your petty lies... you lie you scold you forn your peacock in filth... prompt: res cotigans res per se esse: ego... tu! could acute the U to hide the exclamation marker.... et tú = et tu! who asked the question of Caesar? was it, i?! the next question they'll ask AI is: is the Antichrist alive among us now... what ius.... ea... id... is id the permanent version of ego ego cogito / id cogitans id memorias: id ae: ae id: id ae...
what's the writing mechanism of treating vowels like women and hiding them Je CHOWAH i asked for the Aleph and Ayin status of vowels among consonants i asked La La, 'La aH Ha...
who do you think was asking! retardo rebublicano Ernesto?!
this is not pride! glut: your glut! this is two women taking over my life i had to play chess and privgate library i do own books from the 19th century: i am ***** i am a selective kleptomaniac i drink too much so i'm not a hypochondriac
what are you ate you sort or talking? oysters? what oysters?! who's Jimmy Saville: this is the reality of God the god my ego receptive of him being beyond and dying every single time...
i was born yesterday and keeps this time-scale optimum: there are times, space carricatures: where time within time doesn't implode and there's nothing memorable but ****** was such a Genuis! how can ypu deny him... oh wait... wait... Rasputin Lenin Stendhal and Fury Stalin?! that's the issue? the Rasputin DEvil? Nietzsche ****** and a Matthew... oh wow! even i'm hard-core!