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Jan 19
the imnpetus is to write something: anything
to conjure up new reading habits
and i was serious that Kafka wanted his books
to be printed in large font
but that didn't happen
each edition i read i might as well be salvaging
wood for toilet paper and Chamberlain
wiping his *** with it at the Munich Agreement
because i'm pretty sure Bukowski
got the larger print or font
for fountain: not rooted in Greek etymology
of something big, fat... a wedding crasher...
but i was wondering not so much
about language but the inner-workings
of language:
not the idiosyncratic use of language:
although so few achieve it in that space of knowing
as distinct from that space of thinking
after all: i think therefore i am is a recurrent
theme, iotom, which is like the idea but in a different
spelling... so a different res per se
iota + idiom
      + om + sparkle sparkle...
                  beause i can change a word
at my whim
today i heard a child in the great distance
and the child said Yahweh
and that is far away he's in it:
he is the one who hides the Muslim women
and i can't help for Ha-Shem the name of names
the un-named i mean
Yahweh is actually thinking about
a name for himself
he wants to be called by a personal name
YHWH isn't it...
and he contemplated Allah
for a little bit...
but then Allah ben Akhbar came along
with the Somali Ali and the Iranian Ahmed
and India was born again as Hindustan...
of the Ummah with Pakistan...
first the great wind the dispersed the choir
then an angelic voice in the world
a distance of dasein
           a there: rather than there's being...
i thought about how useful studying linguistics would
be to shy away from philosophy
and religion and i found the idiosyncracies
of punctuation and spacing in Jon Fosse
such book i never found
and James Joyce is Dead
because that was all Charlie Chaplin outdated
literature of the late 19th century
and like James Joyce is Dead
and the Cult of the Irish Holymen of Iceland
before the Norsemen came and settled
the island
there were Irish Holy Fathers Popes
on those isles... did you know that?
i will study islands
and long before i met Edie
and pen palled her
i was thinking of moving away from England
to the Faroe Islands or Iceland...
i am the dancing Shiva dancing on my knees
i beg you release me from Oedypus Kristos
Rex... i know what the Second Coming Implies:
Jesus ******* Mary
no Joseph a Single Mum raising a Son...
believe me and there's no ****** in Sight
and secretly the boy will emerge with Father State
and strangers and i wonder
i think therefore i don't know
why does thinking precepitate into being
when it doesn't among day dreams
and not so many geniuses of stone
just the flow of people like water
and i'm fine with this life being a simulation
almost that video games make it easier
in Plato's Cave having overtaken passive television
and i played roll the dice Ludo
i think that's how the game is called:
reimagining simpler and simpler
of the complex and abstract and paradox:
the only way for Christ to return would be as the Antichrist...
not as a resurrection per se
but as a Paradox
monotheism is not compatible with the polytheism of India
i abhor that theological mongrel
that is transcendence of kingship of monks
like the hierarchy with daft meanings
but that comfort of being approachable
but without reality of hierarchy
Marx and being naked or simply slave or broke...
one life one death one god
1 1111'1'1'1'1'111 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1111111 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 111111
at least conceptualised
maybe if i switch to Latin:
cogito ergo non scio...
i think therefore i don't know...
   whether i am or i'm not...
so idiosyncrtic punctuation or: rhythm to reading:
like looking at a painting and taking angles
but no selfies
like this world is becoming more and more abstract
esp after my interstellar trip around London
this morning
and it was like: before AI was invented
man collectively created the CITY
and you know like you travel the city
and... don't have to wait for the bus or the train
because you have such skill in time management
that you're like the White Rabbit in
Alice in Underland but you're cool, measured,
devilish, ecstatic... calm, foxy... collected...
just the burning fire in water...
you don't wait for the bus
the bus waits for you
which is better than a Chinese rich kid uber... uber...
tube oobah...
            i can't believe in Jesus Christ on a few
sayings the saying: turn the other cheek bothered me
until i learnt the nature of time within space:
how there are pockets of time that thought harvests
and there are pockets of space that knowledge harvests
like i know unconsciously
but i don't know consciously
because consciousness was involved in discovery
knowledge the speed of gravity
the temperature of the sun
the Enlightened source being Martin Luther
the Protestant...

oh ****: i just realised!
i'm a workoholic-alcoholic i need alcohol as fuel
and focus and like car i am gasoline
i seriously write poetry
and that's at best associated
with Lawyers and what Pro Bono means
when you uncouple poetry from the form of art
and give poetry an equal footing
to, say... jurisprudence, law writing,
journalism...         history...
poetry is not a music not an expression of image:
of whatever deviation of time
in this, required: space: of the individuum atomus


  an Aztec deity wants to speak

  the fear the mongrel and the silence...
this unfinished poem
is a bothersome edifice...
a THROMBOSIS is a word i'm looking for...

only music to know
well what, is the difference
articulation with signatures of proper articles:
the good
               ­               ignorance

   retards guarding angels: ******..
           the truth
           a lie

because i'm pretty sure: i didn't tell THE lie
i only told a little incy wincy lie...
i said one lie
but God?! but said all the other lies!
you will live eternal!
you will this that and the other!
i am! the whirlwind!
i am your friction!
i am! your vitality!
i am your ******* quake
and your daughter's **** unconscious of mythology
give me mouth and ear
and i am hell is purgatory and heaven too
i am a quantumn traveller
time is the relative irrelevant
while space so infinite
is play-dough
some bread
i am wild eyed: purple in red
then purple in blue

sometimes like a dog i keep chasing
my own tail
so i imitate a dog chasing its own tail
like imitation serpent
in myth
the dynamic cinema of image
in Plato's cave i countered television with gaming
and this emerged:
Cities are like Bodies
imaging traffic as
blood clotting and buses and *****
and blood and roads veins and ******'s
the arteries
and 100 years from now
Gandhi was right already now:
the Europeans used to hail Christ before going
then they'll start Hailing ******:
Gandhi said from Christ to ******:
and yes between Arab and Hebrew mutiny
that circumcision should be a rite of passage
not something to simply: SIMPLY inherit at birth
but something you EARN
like a cockring and an ice rink and a wedding ring
and drunk marijuana high known
intellect: pro bono: i rule the useful horses!
i am the... so unearthed in an Egyptian shepherd
and the chess are alive with zombie music
of the elevator or telephone waiting in line...
the grey zombie without love
or fear of god reality
because you can live a life without love or a ******
but only with a fear of god and a thirst for knowledge
and a mild tempered wisdom fission: fusion...

i came into this world as a diamond of coincidences
and God the Myriad
with Chernobyll April
father Ares
mother... Pisces:
aligned months
Mother February
Father April
Son May
                             March of the Witches...
                      conceived in September... allign the Hexes!
allign the Hexe!                              no need to
add English pluralism to the original Greek:
Hex (singular) Hexe (plural):

                   but poem cna be like painting (a)
a painting...
if you forget it for a bit
blank out
before the canvas
with too many thoughts

i know that i think

        that's truer than cogito ergo sum...
thinking doesn't translate into being:
since so many zombies around...

scio id cogito.... wow! even i feel like trembling
like when jon fosse i think i i think think i think i think think i think

yes i'm thinking of retiring but not
being a taxi driver
read philosophy early
marry like Muhammad a nice older woman
hear your mother in law nagging
like Hercules mythology because
you are marrying your mother
age wise realistically weird
rainbow ******* talk of Puerto Ricans
life is all rainbows
like Edie's mom doesn't sound like Louise Low-IS:
dyslexia from Family Goy... voy voy...
i'm a ******* RECEPTICON

         the hammer made the smithy
and the algorithm and AI made the cyborg or the android?
because ape or human i ain't!

weren't the Slavic people who pushed
Judaism to the limit:
should we say he was:
and if he wasn't i'll walk through the Holocaust:
let us make Marx give us
Christianity as Utopia and not the Man:
treat Christianity as Either Man or the Utopia of Man
what do you seek in Christ?
a Christ-World?
or the Man? the Individual?!
what do you need him for?
            you want his vision?
clearly man's ontology does not allign with what
Nature prescribed...
man can't escape man only
tame himself...
           the passive aggresive harmony nature allows
we deploy false sentiments for
having just grieved a lost faculty
of world-adaptability: concerns:

      weather and clothing...
           i wonder whether that lie was so bad
you will know good from evil:
why did i have to tell you that?
because you were born unable to tell
truth from lie:
so i had to introduce that quadratic thinking
of linear patterns
i needed to allign you to the cyclone
of Jupiter's headache at having only one eye:
Jupiter wants to be blind:
he's envious of Neptune's blind dog Pluto...
i had to tell that one lie under instruction
to keep you motivated by a tongue that hears
and ears that speak and eyes
all those harvests of eyeless souls...
              i see the lion's lineage and i see my own
beard and i see:
                               an s growing into an S
and then slithering across E
and across X like the diadem of the trinity
an hour a minute a second...
too practical a solution
to be so personal
well if i can oppose said parameters...
Anti-imbued to reiterate
like old mysterious thinking of Europe
now Africa... that new home of the religion
since Christianity left Europeans
atheistic and secular and lost
it's not high time for Africa to receive that medicinal
wisdom of a ******
born of a ******
not having sedated a woman to
just what exactly are we talking about?
this is the epitome of mankind based upon
two or three ******* sayings?
double ding ding ******* dodo ding ding
second round but i don't think
islam will solve this )either_)
so ******* Russian much pepper

i know that i think: because to measure:
dementia prognosis: gnosis
going fishing my old friends: who are dead:
as a memory:
a trajectory otherwise associated
meditating in the cold, needing to ***... getting a hard-on
for a dead **** star: Ava Lauren
Aria Giovanni
Ilona Osadchuck Edie Valitski:

        like that's why **** is not so bad:
if you still have your *******! xenomorph laughter...
and Peter Griffin...

rite of passage: when you get married:
unlucky for me
i have two serpents circling that part
i'd love to get rid off
knowing i'd have regular ***
with one woman...
and it would be Edie
and all the unmarried and uncircumcised men
would have to walk around with rings
and the married men
would walk around circumcised and no jewels...
and that could possibly be my one world:

circumcised men
were the married men
and wouldn't wear any rings
i hate the metals on skin
first a wooden sword
then something else
like a tongue for conversation...
but a wedded truly intellectual man
would be with a woman
by being circumcised and not
having a wedding ring on his finger
of fingers...
       the rite of passage:
don't take that away from them
when they are born:
let them the freedom to *******
the world away before they settle
and find their beloved
their suckle... i can't i wish but this is
what i prescribe...

and that's what you are: cheap Arab:
one book library strong:
same Mongol Muscle:
retreat please:
from the Laboratory of Europe...
please *******
you're contimatating it with your
Inscest and Bad Poetry Schemes
your faith doesn't bother me
nor the blind...
so go with it!
but you are contaminating the laboratory
of pristine ideas
motivational ideas
sorry... shoot them...
the hybrids of cousin ******* incepticons are
closing in!
cousing ******* passions?
will never look
at the next ****** ***** every bad
again! more like
a wise woman of Afghanistan!

sometimes i find or too many thoughts overhwhelm
me and i find myself the dog
chasing its own tail
or like me looking for my beak
but instead
a nose
and cross-eyed diving into water
and becoming a very bad reminder of fish
and if cross eyed
there are parasitical worms symbiotic
not edible ones
living on our eyes
so need for carrots
and onions and vitamin A...

cared about Ukraine as much as Czechoslovakia:
Czechia it's almost like
people somewhere someplace
far far away like Delhi and Prague
great double-think just the cowards
politico i think maybe
i am i am somewhat a bit of what i also think
now anything is possible
and coinciding with anything and everything: possibly:
potential and possibly all...

these weren't....
just ordinary Mongols...

             the bed is such frivolity
but then nth adventure starts
there's a daughter
and anti-christ to begiun with
Beijing be-guine...
             him-she: 海 so imagine
the Heb rew text trying to me superior
to... that...
fair enough with hieroglyphs... but....
imagine Hebrew competing with Kanji...
and the Japanese


i wonder if Aristotle will do....
given the two turtles drifting Japan apart
the Hira and Naga
Shimo and Sanaka...
you... want... to test me robotics
style... please...
let's begin...
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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