snitches end up in stitches is low level mystery of lawlessness the uper tier of the mystery of lawlesness resides with the words: that an American girl asks: i don't like being GRASSED UP... Grypsera round of talk i was forever surrounded by the ancient talk of Cain instead of being a snitch ending up in stitches so the clown Joker and Batman is not really formidable so the make-up came off he's rather pathetic but only as a reicarnation formible now imagine Christ reincarnated and not wanting to die on the cross again... or the only way to sacrifice oneself would be in name of Allah and jihad and commit a suicide enforcing it on others without the allure of a cult... charisma just outright existential ****... jechowa: he who hides them: all these Muslim girls then... hiding under Niqabs and look! look! there walked Martin Luther (the German, not the Junior) past with the Greek Gnostic Heretics!
i didn't reply with a warning: snitches her stitches: i said: i don't like being GRASSED UP... savvy? so next day he brought his sdog the dog and the dog licked my beard but not my mouth or nose i didn't let him a terrier XL some BULL and DOG breed like dachund or whever 40kg the war dogs of Rome are still legal the regal bull terrier some weird mix apparently the only dogs that **** are the ones who have been submitted to ****** and inbreeding with finally no soul in replica as exported: countless times Oedipus in dogs but only one i hope in humans... as lesson: or otherwise tactic: to breed Orc friendly anything else living fierce... so 18 years older than you and not a sugar mommy and a kid in tow? ever see than movie: transparency... no... tranquility... no.. transcendence... no... detachment - yes the daughter the ******* but now i could be asked what fictional characters are you? Flauber: because Madame Bovary is real: Flaubert, Humbert Humbert and Julien Sorel... those are three main protagonist: and according to Sarte who is the censor... hmm? censor? Edith Valitskey... because no no: not another ghost! i'm thinking abouit raising a daughter that isn't my daughter: i think i'll try to hide behind *** for a little bit... until i get a new taste for water and salt and sugar ande gravity.