inter-galactic space travel on the London buses the tube and underground imagine leaving Elephant & Castle at, say, 6:40 and getting home to drink a little smoke a little doodle a little and call it art o O i see purgatory in science-fiction and the reality NPC people trapped in it without ghosts or rather with ghosts: i still can't believe Frank Herbert's Dune Saga sold more than any book or oeuvre (entirely) of Philip K. **** didn't sell more but if you factor in how many of ****'s ideas were adapted into movie i started watch the original Nosferatu then i witnessed the autobiographic sketch of Charlie Chaplin Czopek Chopek is my original surname and it's not really funny in English like ****** it is formidable and Elert is just an Ashkenatzi joke of Y = MC (aquared - the opposite of squared of Satan: God's atheism of the aquared: quarter face of a face which makes 8 for the seraphim... in between the Heaven and Hell there's the Purgatory of Science Fiction when not taken seriously is mother calls interrupts i politely tell her i'm not going to sleep i'm going through my plan and today i undertook a stellar travel project in London Space X joke i was on interstellar drive like you know when you don't you harmonize yourself your life is music in silence or the silence of music when asking Adam what music is and he only says sparrows and crows so like violins are not she sent me a picture of the matress and how high it is and i thought: in the shower: Jon Fosse slow [prose the same toto of the hit single Africa as toto and the Dune soundtrack... a bit of prog rock departure? but the three realms are in harmony you don't walk from hell through purgatory and into heaven they are all one if all Christ is one Jesus ye shall not take the Lord's name in vain or vein dribble dribble vampire blood sieve my ego through nothing that from a bread might come a crumb we are all on earth as much as life and death are concerned but we also extend our hand in dealing with Eternity we forgot to call Purgatory and within it: this Death Realm so that Death and Life can be oculus per oculus similis roger haus paintings... like for like in the Holy Tongue: what gave birth to the Nazis was the German Pollack Hebrew Dynamic... and why Yiddish found root with Ebrew but didn't in the Slavic Tongue instead the idea but not the tongue of MArx... there's Deutsche- milḥemet mitzvah etymological proofs against Greek as the original language therefore the shuttle bus of words and their Trojan horses... and in this likeness of life unto death and with death the beyond to be closed off from Time being and time being and nothing now comes the Eros Era of Being and Space... within purgatory there is both heaven and a hell: a heaven-as-a-hell and a hell-as-a-haven to heave or to remain in a haven: hidden... he who hides them (f) je chowa: a simpler version of I am that I am: (he who) hides them (females): Yahweh is actually Allah he who hides women: your women are in ******* but look how ****** rubbed off on both the **** Jews and the **** Greeks we really don't know: meeting the consent or giving it trying out a partnership collab of philosophy and linguistics moving away from mathematics: let's burn some ****... **** yeah! so he who hides them under the Illiterate guise or maybe the riches of the Arabs have truly undermined the poorer Muslims like the Vatican is the Dubai but it's so complicated and the Poor Muslims resent the Rich "Muslims" and instead of killing each other but already the Syrians have proved Nobles and fight among themselves while the poor lash out on poor Christians and i'm already seeing halves in totals of the basic arithmetic of the sound of counting like drums my heart or i say 1 2 3 b a c 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1
there's a resonance of rhythm ascribed to each number relax and write any sequence that comes into your mind like 9 4 3 6 4 5 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 when you are in too much pain to write words listen to some music and push numbers in onto the canvas 22 22 22 2 2 22 2 spacing and higher rhythm of a single number but the spacing and coupling... spacing: critical...
Kafka undermined by small print Kafka asked for his books to be printed in Large Print let the importance of Bukowski shrink\ and shine no more because he got the large print and Kafka did not...
interstellar overdrive when you travel across London and don't really wait for the transport... schematic A and B:
B no 35 bus from Lacome St at Walworth, Elephant and Castle, shift, 4th night, ends circa 6:40 bus stop V no 35 bus 15min wait: but straight to Liverpool st: won't be able to make the 7:15 train
A quick think no double-think i need q-think... interstellar: you know when you don't wait and **** just happens and everyone just is? no questions asked: yes?! ****... new bus stop no 12 to oxford st so this is what like getting from Romford Rome's Fjord: where water meets the sky and water become of the steep incline no beach Europe not actually a continent: but a sub-continent like India is but we are all *** and no too many Ideas... but Europe is also the Larget Volcano known to man: like English teenagers think of Australia as an Island but forgetting the Australian Continent Status because of Polynesia... like Russia is a ******* **** energy of size... like Canadians aren't owners of Greenland... but it was interstellar and i see the moon in my tears and the sun in my glistening for reels... silent movies and then what would Charlie Chaplin make of Family Guy and the power-tool of vox? what was that Latin term: oculus per...
lazily and probably most correct: par per par... basics: learn them: par per par... similis per similis or sicut well: now real remedy beside surrogacy the urgency of ego the ***** with nothing the womb of woman and likewise back in packages to "god"... because i still Christ unified within the three realms hell and heaven coexist in purgatory purgatory is eternity in terms of confining eternity transcendent time but still the confines of space space is a *******: a one legged man: eternity has not concept of Space... infinite time is blind to the infinity of Space... who aims for maxims and categorical imperatives must clearly be a German in this Marriage and the Russians are jealous thinking to tempt me with Ukranian broads while Africa gets richer and so does Asia because i don't like those girls i have a Conquistidor's ******* of mating with the Aztec queen... finding a new pyramid to play with: flat on top... me missing... but still ******* as Cyclops the Spinx from behind: don't know which hole for either the tongue of Christ and the tongue of Oedipus