I find myself longing So very often I am longing For freedom, to be wild once more To feel the sun dribble across my skin Through the blanket of tree branches And the dew of morning mist As I pass through the brush Out there where words are never spoken
I hear you Calling to me from far beyond this bubble This place of metal and wires Concrete and iron and copper I am caged In this cold man-made place I know this is not where I am supposed to be I am an animal I am to be wild I am to be free But still I trapped here all the same
Yes, it is quite the zoo we have made Haven't we? Putting all of us on display Dressing us up in silly fabrics Fancy toys strewn as far as can be seen Enrichment just a button press away I never felt like I fit in a place like this No, this is not what I am supposed to be
I keep finding myself Lingering on the border of these two worlds I can't help but give pause every time I happen to pass by its fencing, Maybe its not quite a coincidence That I pass by it at all
But when I do end up there Teetering on the edge I stare into the forest And I see myself leering back The me that is wild and unburdened Mud covered feet Hair long and unkempt And teeth bloodied and yellow Nails chipped and worn I look almost akin to a beast
I feel my skin and bones yearn My pulse quickening as my soul wails and begs For what I cannot quite reach I crave that which once was And would also never be I wish to return to being wild Before words and people and things Still I am caged here
I am an animal I am to be wild I am to be free But perhaps I am too far gone That I spent too much time Became too domesticated To be able to return to such a thing
Gazing out the window The sunset calls my name The trees dancing across the sky As gusts of wind finds it's way through the overgrowth Whispering sweet nothings to me Calling and beckoning me to follow Your change is 6 dollars and 27 cents