What must I do to enter the Kingdom of God? What must I do to obtain eternal life? Love God with all your mind, heart, soul and strength Live your life for others in a Holy Sacrifice Do not stop at the letter of the law But follow it to its heart. To love your neighbor as yourself You must first know how to love yourself. God only desires our happiness, He takes great delight in his children. The times when we are most happy on earth Are when we are not in shame and sin. He came that we might have life and have it to the fullest, All we need to be forever happy is to not sin. Sounds simple, but the reality is far from it. Jesus died a perfect blameless sacrifice To atone for our evil and pay the price By the blood he shed to cover our sin We have the chance to be with him. How much he wants us with him to share his joy!
Lord, help us to wholeheartedly believe In the mercy and grace which we receive. You have blessed us with the faith, Let us manifest this by acts of love and hope and charity. Bless us, Lord, that we may serve you and others By the power of your Holy Name. You were humble and servant and we imitate the same. Help us show compassion and mercy to all those in need For, who is our neighbor, but all whom we meet!