I looked for a corner, somewhere quiet in the library. how exciting, an e-mail with opportunities from a professor who cares. i want it, but I can't help but feel a little sad, wherever you are dad. tough love. scrunchies, a book of matches, and crumbs from crackers sit in my pockets. laundry basket, mile high way past the brim. i wasn't kidding when I said you'd find a bottle of whiskey hiding in there. and all I wanna do is get through college, I think. I want to be a strong woman, for now, a young lady. flash-backs to all the fun times. my hand writing drifts in shapes to the sound of a music box. the curtains created pretty shadows that danced upon my arms. I tried to be cool, reading the newspaper. I wanted to look oh, so serious. I am a joker. I am your equal. Yeah, salty dog? Which aspect? Can I say these things in poems? I read the words, why can't I marry my cousin? these things keep me from my sleep. sweet dreams, candy-man. oh, canyon creek, where shall I go? a mind hole? a gold mine in the gutter of my mind? blind. thanks Conor, for the milk thistle. is it fair to choose what we want to hear? did they know that 2013 would be so strange? Professor Coker wants something typed, ******* i gotta go pick up my bike.