that is happiness unlike concern there's: there being but then i can't rap Heidegger just images bleeding i need Francis Bacon in the clouds i see faces in the clouds we we WE are having parliament of shadows WE have audience with each other: who the ****** spelled the Quran to the mother! i said the Quran was written by a woman i don't like modern feminism: i'm flying in into San Francisco to clean the city up with some fire dust... please... rap rap rap rap rap rap rap ****** rap ****** stop singing rap rap rap ****** *****'ah... Beckett not-I... this ****** ***** the old man is thinking in B-movie LEwisham ****** come on let's get angry let's get angry with Hod is the jockstrap censor smooth over Allah for the ridicule of Dog grandpa KEnya before Arabia arrived... oh oooh sweet guess i get the proper **** dough plasticine... ooh baby i bus you drive a train like a stroking my lion's mane i want to love i love i want to love i just love i hate and torture in the shadows... i got the ego walking on the moon and the id as earth and the son as god Puerto Ricans island Economics mythology Reyla: your mother is Aztec Mayan Inca... tell me of the other feathers and gold: now i see hope now i rip out **** ******* ****** two by tow by two... black girl spells out N I GG E R S snigger: i sniggered: like daredevil daffodil.... that wide *** those **** the shower scene and she shaves her ***** so i can eat her out without a romanticist mouse and tash: rash: Ottoman barber: like a blade to the neck and i trust them the Valhalla of the Janissaries and the Herald of the Hussars: Winged... and as much of neck as my hand will allow and lips and tongue to the ear: both your ears a father erotica with a brother i **** my sister because the anti-****** is ****** first...