Loneliness is a record player Sitting in an attic With no record Or someone to love it
Is like looking And seeing many people around you But gazing into the mirror of your life And just seeing you Alone And maybe the monster in your head
Loneliness is a door You're to afraid to open You want what's on the other side But the handle might burn you
It is a picture of you With friends Wearing fake smiles And wanting to be in that moment again More than anything Or never again For what is actually nothing
Loneliness can be felt Alone a bathroom stall Trying to breathe And stay calm
In an auditorium Filled with hundreds When there is no one Who notices you
You also feel it When they do
While trying to push through The crowded hallways That are loud And try to swallow you
Loneliness can be felt everywhere And can be anything If you're anything like me
(this note was written by an umbrella used to capture rain. It then tells the rain stories and tales until it falls asleep. In the rain's dream it is falling, only to be caught by the umbrella again.)