The sound won’t stop ringing in my ear that familiar voice that I can’t unheard every time I reach the pathway of where the attic was located I tried to tell my parents about it numerous of times on a daily basis but it’s like they can’t even hear and they act like my curiosity is nothing as if they’re playing the quiet game on me now I’m left with suspicion every night and soon one day I couldn’t bear it any longer so one night I waited till my parents are asleep and creeped through the hallways trying not to step on the creaky floorboards until I finally reached to where the attic was as I touch the texture of the wooden door of above the door slips and the stairs fall down to my knees I climb the stairs and when I reached higher and higher I felt very off…. but I brushed that feeling off when I got inside I examined my surroundings it was slightly cramped and dark with only a large window creating a light source through the gleaming light source it was flashing on something quite odd looking I couldn’t really see what it was until I got closer suddenly I heard the strange noise again coming from it when I reached my hand out to touch it it felt cold I turned it over and I finally saw it it was a person with their jaw ripped off their mouth was hanging out with remnants of dry blood their eyes were pure white with no pupils and their body was super thin and rather fragile like a stick bug with leeches munching on the dead pale flesh I was speechless not as if I was terrified even though I felt like I was supposed too because when I saw the face I knew who it was it was me then I started to realize why the sound was so familiar and as I stare at the large window my reflection was not looking back at me It was never there to begin with