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Oct 2013
Breathe, breathe on.
let's sit across from each other
so we can
each other in.

I can smell the pheromones
in your hair
from the next room over
I'm listening to
pack the last of your
and I'm asking myself if you're really
to make that much noise
or if you're just
and you shout that I'm being an *******
and start to leave
and I wonder if you can smell
the *****
on my breath
when I say

and I wonder if you really misheard me when I slurred it
or if you just wanted to hear me say

And I wish there were something else I could say
to make everything better
and put you on the other side of that closed door
so we could sit
and breathe
each other in
and get high
on the tension
on the pheromones
on the *** stained on my breath.

But you're not.
You're outside
and I'm inside
and I can't hear you breathe
or sing
or cry
or say our names
separated by a miles-long ampersand
or whatever it is you're saying to whoever you're saying it to.

and instead I'm just getting high on cheap cigarettes and cheap ***
thinking about
that's not the bed I have to sleep alone in tonight
thinking about
you could be riding that bicycle.
thinking about
I could have invented to say to you
but it has all been said.

So breathe on,
and I'll try to do the same
between the long drags
and drams of cheap *****.
and in time, maybe
there will be
to be said.
JC Lucas
Written by
JC Lucas  Utah
   Shay Petterson and ---
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