DCLXVI so if i were to... introduce a writing system: that the Hebrews use in terms of hiding vowels as if they would be later exposed as diacritical indicators i could, technically: conjure up a noun for something or someone... conjuring whatever vowel at my whim in between these: "consonants" i could technically scribble something akin to: D(aeiou) C (eioua) L (iouae) X (ouaei) V (uaeio) and by I i'm out of combinations because the locksmith called in sick and there's this... dyslexic understudy: some poor schmuck who thinks he might become an actor etc. etc. but who said: or: who is to say: that the vowels are in correct order: see religion gave us so much rigid authenticity to abstract and then correlate that abstract into a feast of objects willing to be maniable under our omnipotent thumb of pressured justices...
i sometimes like to have these bouts of playing the starving artist: i fast while still drinking for a day or two and then the hunger becomes like the most potent juice of hallucinogenics intoxicating me: giving me focus... and then i just allow "god's" spirit: to revel in it... if...
if it weren't from my inability to be circumcised: i tried explaining this phenomenon to an American girl who had nothing but circumcised ****... because along with the Hebs and Harabs and the H'Americaña: y supposedly also why... but the glaring fact that "god" is no longer obvious but some evil strategy of letters people tend to avoid... blink out blind out on...
my best bet is... Moses wasn't circumcised... and that's how far back the story goes: so circumcising males is o.k. but circumcising females is frowned upon? how unoriginal is this "original" sin? as "original" as the current cultural calamity of communism not being in the hands of either the Slavic or Chinese people? these pink-haired bureucrat feminists? these i don't need a man but at least three ******?
tell me if i'm wrong: and i can't be circumcised because i have two protruding veins in and around my ******* so that would imply bleeding dead to dry or dry to dead: but if circumcision was somehow turned into a rite of passage... say... you circumcise a man... like you might do all the other rituals concerning a woman... upon her sacrificial poise and hypocrisy... ****** and death both adorn white... then yeah: it makes sense: to circumcise a man in a prenupital agreement... Moses couldn't allow these people to shake of their practice: nor could Jesus... shake off... shake off...
Taylor: ooh shake it off shake it off ooh ooh: traffic police: beep beep!
oh but i heard worse stories not told by the en masse history society approval: like the Holocaust was one thing pretending to work as a sadistic ploy was one thing but then the Polacks who actually worked and there was no sadistic choke joke invoked like they actually were needed to work digging tunnels: it wasn't just slave labour: it was a constructive genocide...
but imagine if circumcision was a rite of passage: like the nomads the Polynesians became by only this rite of passage will you get ****** tattoos... etc. imagine if Moses was able to rid these people of that ancient scribble of aesthetic and forgive them for their aesthetic is ascetic... well: if not Moses then certainly not Jesus could bring these people to dissolve their spontaneous inbreed justification for circumcicing males but frowning upon the Egyptian circumcicion of females...
as i explained to my better half: see... the problem with a circumcised ****... it's blind to aim... plus when all the women worship ******* in the shower and circumcicised men focus on said women choosing ******* parterns: because you make man devoid of deriving pleasure the natural pleasure from *******: and where: do you think that was derived from? ******* is natural... circumcision: ******* isn't! you get that?! how about i chew off my thumb how about i chew off my lips and my nose and my ears?! if Moses couldn't do it: Jesus was punished for it: i'm not going to repeat it a third ******* time: circumcising males is the "original" sin... for whatever aesthetic reasons: ******* is natural and the ******* allows for channeling *** without ***... maybe that's why ******* was born: like a carrot and stick on those poor donkey-kong-***** just needing to ****...
plus it's a concern for hygiene: i do have an allowance to peel the ******* back and enjoy *** with a choke mode turning my hands and head all bishop purple... but when you start ******* without ******* it's almost like having needles shoved up your shaft... at least ******* with ******* you can aim while most of these half baked Arab ***** end up ******* on the ******* toilet seat! and what am i supposed to do? sit in their ****?! n'ah mate: n'ah n'ah... my only "beef" ant "anti-semitism" is with circumcision... i can't be circumcised i wish i could be but only as a rite of passage of from boy to man and thus belonging to a woman: then: only then: will i be able to don a wedding ring: she can fry that ******* prompt like she might an onion ring: i don't care: but not when you have men who didn't ask to be circumcised being circumcised and then you wonder: so paedophilia is not o.k.: but transgender gender re-assingment surgery is... ******* o.k.?!
i was actually going to write about the genius of Harry Beck and the London tube map and how it represents a cone to me... how myopic it is: because London per se: is so small... you have the inner detail of the circle line... and what's the distance on the Piccadily Line between Holborn Covent Garden and Leicester Sq and what is the Essex loop like? so the map begins big: even thought the distances are small... then the distances get big but the drawings of the distances becomes smaller and smaller because there's no significance invoked...
i'm sorry Jew: the Mongol and the Turkmen and the Russians will agree with me: your practice of circumcision i don't care how much you gesticulate with your teff and yaff and all the monstrosity of the genitals of pederasts: i will make sure i will defend my people even though i have a fetish for German and perhaps the people certainly the music i don't care... you made these crazy rich Ahabs and Arabs and Canada this most civilian authority of the measure of speech... i just don't want to live among circumcised males who have bad aim at a toilet seat became they have been mained...
pull out my toenails and then ask me for a ballerinas' dance... how's that? Jesus wasn't a Jew: at best he was an Assyrian or at worst given the artrifacts of archeology an Egyptian... why blame the Jews for asking for a non-Jew to be killed?!
demons are summoned: Decalxuv... but that's the genius of the London Underground map... the focus is on the centre: all exterior arenas of station diminish... the Star of David emerges: like otherwise: Δ and ∇ delta and nabla: and their mother: sigma: Σ σ (δ serpent) ς (ą) there were actually more vowels than English allowed...
if you could measure where Liverpool St starts and where: some other station ends... i'd love to measure the sq mile then the outer regions of the network...
original sin: i can't be blame(d) for **** for the Egyptian Moses and the Assyrian Jesus and third time lucky: stop circumcicing your males and giving females all these unfair allowances...