I have a bunch of plights please -answer Sir.. Your meeting with alien official . Your reasons taking help from a sly race. ? We needed primacy over Russia . I stated the friendly races can help too. We would be at the mercy of Russia . I like your view on States-hood too. And Ike said thank you Other remarks to add? I said “ The way you taxed the rich was fab. I said fab means. right idea at right time. And Ike replied fine. Anything else he asked. I like your view on political parties. And Ike said thank you and anything else . Your last speech on the military came true. And Ike got ****** ,events are getting worst. And Isreal is now the new **** nation. And doing crimes of war for mankind to see. I showed him slides of what zionists do ! We gave them rights. They act like ****’s too. And Ike replied. what else went straight to hell I stated yes Isreal owns the States too. I said it is true and Ike complained quite loudly. From J F Kennedy. until the present. The States will jump at Israel’s complaining. Upon relaying this news he got irate. And two more things I have to mention Sir. For thirty five years the rich pay no taxes. And lastly the States went completely fascist. And Ike growled I fought and died for nothing. Those who despoiled this land are traitors. And Ike left to take care of traitors too .
“Write a poem that is a conversation between you and a politically powerful figure from any moment in history. The person can be living or dead; you must have a question you want to ask this person, and ask it in the poem. Let the person answer the question, too; make it a true conversation.”
— The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry by Kim Addonizio, Dorianne Laux https://a.co/8urwTnM