I once said I love myself in a desperate plea, to love myself, a desperate plea to feel something. I heard once that you can't love others if you don't love yourself, And I couldn't relate to that because I did- I do-though my love then and now looks different, feels different.
Love for me then was a desperate plea for acceptance, of wanting to feel connected, through escapism. It's ironic how I desperately wanted acceptance for things I myself rejected, tossed aside considered unimportant
I guess love changed for me when the oceans wave's were crying out- rooted in deep pain and fear, it escaped. The eyes ran from connections. love then was all about self-blame, anger, and questions- so many questions.
Love was scared to feel to speak. love wanted to be alone, tired of pouring from an empty cup.
How does love feel now? Love now feels revived, alive. Love is floating in the ocean, serene, a calm ocean breeze. Love understands that love start from within and overflows to others love is learning to understand me, learning to feel, to speak, sing, to dance. Love now looks at love then and shares what was deprived. Love looks over at love then and hugs her, reminds her she too deserves love