working from basics: that rubric of prelimenaries was of great help, unlike Jung and the whole psychology phenomenon that ate and destroyed centuries of masculine "repressive": philosophy... well... who isn't to say that psychology was a short-circutry of females bypassing philosophy and entertaining the gravity of the profane and frog burps with feminism: feminism killed off femininity and in so doing brought out the worst masculinity: of the individual: not species a horde by its own... just the barrage of unconscious archetypes killed off the sensible: clone -esque reincarnation bound stereotypes... monographs of men...
id est ergo id somnio:
such is the story and it begins with: AI: id is ergo id cogitat... there's no more room for such parades of thoughts as peacock Descartes allowed...
my ego is located more south than in the highest north of the mind and head maybe once the sparkle on the tip of the top of the spine: but now my ego is occupying the space in my stomach and it's among butterflies and witches and storms of the seas: namely Atlantic... and i'm less about knowledge and philosophy and wisdom and more about knowledge intuition and a dasein...
the premise being: i don't care much for the self: i am an engineer of the human psyche and i care much more for the dynamic of what id is to ego and what ego is to id and now i gather the phenomenon of the syzygy... schizophrenia for the troublesome male.. who undermined modernity:
anima: eros animus: logos... but Jung forgot to mention the Minotaur of Science and him the man of science: the... the labourer of labyrinths: which are not architecture but rather architecture per se...
to think i would be going to Kauai as an escape policy to rid myself of the tattoos and parasites of London... what am i? closing in on 70 times of spring?! i wanted to explore the dynamic of ego to id: self parasitic, not included: for the art of that war we don't call war but acting: the spiritual war of shadows and souls... music would disrupt....
so this Q of nQ of pronouns... the unconscious riddle... i need a better job: i've already caught up on Polish Communist subversion cinema and this Jan Fosse is not much of a reading... if ego in the realm of thought: and dreaming is a realm but not a faculty: which can happen... to equilivate ego with id thinking is a realm therefore dreaming is a realm... not a faculty: there is no need to dream so much if one doesn't desire interpretation of intuition: not mere intellectual vanity or female neurotic sexuality...
ego cogito: i think.... regardless of ego sum: i don't feel inclined to entertain percipitation some weather forecast of magically appearing... to everyone... what does the realm of thinking represent? no images... shekeltons...skeletons... abstracts: problem solving mechanisms of the ordeal of inanimate things being necessarily moved: to convene under the guises of love under shadows of graves of men of ambition...
so thinking is realm of silence and of: letters are silently encoded: then mishandled with so many tongues: SZ = SH... for example... then the abstract of numbers also surds... until quantum steps are made and parallel dimenions discovered: but i did say this would be a playground for Satan and I... iSatan: little horn little i... the best of times... so while the realm of thought is: concrete on letters and numbers the id (equivalent of ego in the realm of thought) of the realm of dreams... comes across: it's all underwater... the phonetics are muted... it's all images... images and the arithmetic is suss... suspicious... 4 cats... cats are not a problem... but 4 of them... a number in a dream is a stressor signalizer... U-boat beacon: pact... regroup... Bastion Fang: regroup: there's an SOS beacon... i need to check it out... it's called a music utilizer: diet coke: pepsi coke did one better: Coca Cola FAILED... tastes like prosthetic strawberries... over #5000 in one account... over $8000 in the other...
not trying to be funny but... i have mold: all green and Alien the movie ready... the green **** a whiff off of snow: like some new breed will about to be heaved: the mad scientist in me always envisioned breeding a superbreed of when the ape ate a donkey and then later ate a mammoth and ****** with a dog... so i... became... god...
a word among words: point being: id imaginari ego "sonorus"... it imagines: therefore: dreams.... i think: because of a therefore... again: i am is... irrelevant!
if only Mecca was relevant without the leftoid investments of Bristol and Bratford that old hag Medina...
dance **** of intellect: i feed off the feminine unconscious in male... i get my pronouns like new jew ninja arithmetic...
in the realm of AI and dreams: need an Igor... this Dracula became the Frankenstein... because a man gave birth to DRacula while a woman gave birth to a Frankenstein... and i've aged so well: so solid on the years in hell: he was drunk on wine for three years i've been ***** for over 10 years i love you all so much i want i am human i will drink this *****...
***** you're in the realm of mirrors... now i have power... i will: this spiderweb is mine i am spider: ARANEA...
ah... about a Boy bon Jovi's guitarist motto... this Thames this thick fudge: this custard of blackening sky so blue with clouds and mirage of melancholgy: little secret happiness happens: regardless.