It's the ship of she, and she, and she that I need to steady. But I am only this one man, and father to all three.
And I'm only half sure I'm half right half the time. But she, and she, and she- trust me. Trust me, they do. I see it in their eyes their smiles their sleep.
And I'm only thinking about what happened today and guessing about tomorrow. But still they love me. I feel she, she, and she always will.
And I feel the weight of this steady, though heavy and I'll never hold. And the she, and the she, and the she, of ships will trust in the things they're told.
But how do you steady the she and she, And the she she'll grow to be? Whoever never taught me owes me an explanation.
I'll steady her the best I can, and know at the very least, the ships of she, and she, and she will get the best of me.