One day more until the work is done One day more to work and sweat and pray One day more to rise with the morning sun To wake and greet the Holy One
One day more to shine the light One day more to spread the love One day more to see with His sight To know He is smiling up above
But it isn't just for one day more To minister to the widows and the poor He is with us now and forever more So, dear friends, what are you waiting for?
We are sent out to the ends of the earth We are sent to proclaim each one's worth To preach the Gospel of Good News with great joy In word, thought, and deed, His praise we employ
We are loved by the Father, saved by the Son Filled by the Spirit, the three in the one We are His children beloved in His eyes He is our portion, and He is our prize
So, what do we do? Where do we go from here? It seems to me the mission is quite clear: Proclaim the name of God to all people and nations Be bold, be courageous, and rejoice in creation