the most tumultous dynamic of the elements - currently - known to man can be best observed through the dynamic of how air interacts with water:
not in previous times was this phenomenon so well documented with the storms from the Atlantic battering the British isles or the tornados of American mid-west or the hurricanes that " the eastern coast
history once spoke of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions... Pompeii and the earthquake of Lisbon... but these have become vague (almost) not as frequent or at least predictable when fire made peace with earth... now... since the 5th element is not yet recognised: that we live in insomniac times that electricity is... lightning is... not a fire: but a light... why was light never considered to be of elemental stature: status?
then comes the question: shouldn't vacuum of space, also, not be, considered elemental? why fuse human being: ontology etc and couple it with some Promethean ambition as if "we" were able to tame it: who of the demigods and titans brought down "nothing": nothingness to our benefit like it might have been fire?
this aside... a schizophrenia or just a dichotomy... or merely: "relativity"... i was educated in science but i retracted my education for the purpose of: humanism... and it's a study of vagueness in the fog and darkness of both the void and the vague... i'm not happy for you: but why should i be?
i just managed to read 50+ pages of Jon Fosse's septology: with the ****** and a couple in a playground: first on the swings then on the seasaw then ******* in the sand pit... and if i managed to get through all that and learn not one iota worth of chemistry concerning Mr Noble and Mrs Dynamite.. apparently i write as if i were on ecstasy... regardless...
Einstein and the time-space conundrum... in human terms, beyond the proud Protestant perhaps even Enlightenment basis for scrutiny how can i could translate the space-time conundrum: bring it together...
for something corporeal... relatable... well... there are the philosophies that espouse... a coupling of being to time... Heidegger... and being to "nothingness": Sartre... i dare say i haven't read the work: being and nothingness because French thinkers outside the realm of gag **** of an unconscious wife and pederastry are not... ma tasse de thé...
anyhoo... how could i make away with a translation-confication of concepts as time and space and give these dimensions a human harangue of understanding... since... in transit: i watch these IC3 females and IC4 males in this "disguise" of either cannon foddler or laconic-translatable: as goofy... lazy... disorientated.... LETHARGIC... not stupid: just duped to believe that these people could thrive in these nether-regions of biting an Eskimo's hard-on *******...
so i came up with it: Heidegger was big on historiology: etc etc, etc. so i had a thought and thought: well: time is easy: i can translate time into history... but space took me a while to translate: in terms of defining these paraphrases... ahem: and parametres... if time is history: on human affairs... what is space... ah! bingo! time is history is written down is therefore two dimensional! what is space? three dimensional: give or take... who the **** knows what is Copernican north east when you're floating in space... so... what could... possibly be arrived at given time = history... mmm...
hmm... the pyramids... the colliseum... hey presto! architecture! space! the finite frontier! so if in science there's this magical coincidental time-space dynamic... then on the very basic: human: subjective level: there must be a history-architecture dynamic... which coincides with what is housed in this way of man of his inability to conquer time: immemorial: mortal: till death do us part and... eternal: the pyramids were: i suppose... erected as a testimony to the "gods" concernings man's arrogance or rather: virility and abundance of chance...
so i came up with it... history-architecture... technically: these are not arts: but rather sciences... or... engineering feats...
whichs brings me to the ingenius concern for the map of the London underground.... by now i think of the London underground map as a would-be map of Budapest... because there are clearly two Londons... there's Loondon and there's Londoon...
sly Saudi and ever more the slyer paytakers of western media... it would only take a supposed ex convert like apostasy was not worse than death in Islam: proselyte Islamists? and a psychiatrist? what an ingenious new breed... of wankers... so now tipsy-turvy we are to get told: like... living under the Iron Curtain of old... because Islam in Europe is norm: but wait... wait until the nights and the the winters come and you will have the Islamic Ummah like the Roman Empire asking itself: via each and every individual: why why did we conquer with moon riddled rock? this... night? no safety of ******* wipe and brow...
oh i'm living under an iron curtain: but whereas there was once a competition of idea: communists with their slings and lack of... with the capitalists and there off.. i now have Islamic freebies... or... not so many... freebies... it's like unlike any like... just ***** Arab women: oh my god... the turnout for Hyde Park Wonderland was amazing: the biggest mass crave "protest" of compromise... but i was walking around and every time i saw a niqab? i was shooting imaginary bullets into those skulls.. doing a count funny tic-tac-toe: one down two down: three? does it even matter? one down two down three: hullahoop who gives a **** scarf or whatever those BINDIS care to adorn keeping their ***** ultra-private...
but now they have the "psychiatrists" out there: so... it's only certain if it's RIGHT WING... but now the Islamic fuckeries need a blessing from psychiatric nuances: like caged animals are not simply wild: now they're doubly mad... so much for western cultural: ****-a-thumb: ask a squid to pop out... what a load of *******...
i'd rather live under the Iron Curtain than under this ****! these leeches these pompous ******* leeches! opinionated bogus furore of a designated class of... "intelligence"... "education"... when it comes down to cannibalism... when it does come down to cannibalism... i'll be thinking of a ******* recipe to suckle at this marrow or waste: the potentiality of the human ordeal / endeavour.