I hear sirens again and suddenly I'm back Buried in layers and layers of this mask that I put on Drowning in the addiction of the red lines coming undone Feeling numb for the pain and wanting more More More More M o r e I don't feel good Maybe some lemonade?
Sounds echo around me It's almost like I'm on a really fast carrousel My whole body tingles I see my half empty glass of lemonade, standing in a wet puddle There's lemonade on the ground I'm confused What happened? I feel like I'm gonna throw up **** What the hell did I do Did I cross the line? Could I have died if I had done it slightly different? **** Am I going to die? **** What should I do? I can't call someone But what if I black out again? **** it 911 **** why did I do that
7 minutes I can hear the sirens approaching
Checking I'm fine I'm not dying Why did I call? I shouldn't have called I ask if I can go back inside I can't They have to take me because I did it myself **** I shouldn't have called I throw up on the way
I'm waiting Everything is blurry I'm completely numb I cry I text my therapist the updates I'm panicking I don't want people to know But I don't have the money to pay this I need to tell my parents **** It's 2am
I'm back in my room I'm still haunted by what happened I'm scared I miss it I hate that I miss it I'm better now I think Not really I only made it worse