Lately I find myself missing people a lot People that were part of a past life that i cannot live anymore Am i so different now with a different face and background that our relationship had to change so much? since when did every aspect of life depend on appearance and *** ***** because i genuinely felt everything i fed to you and just because i deceived you does not cancel out what you did to me before and after why were you so sorry before but now dont mention it? do you remember me at all? not the appearance but me? my personality? i. am. the. same. person. I am she who laughed at all of your jokes everyone's, all the time, because i know how good it feels to seem funny I am she who did your essays for you because even though i was two grade levels below you, you seemed to need the help even though you never motivated me to do mine, or helped me with my work I am she who was there for everyone every time anyone needed anything html relationship problems suicidal i. was. always. there. for you even though none of you ever knew what to say when i was the one triggering on my past or as you didn't know, my present and regardless of all of the **** you knew and all of the **** you didnt you ****** me over time and time again and made my last moments miserable because you are the one that took everything from me that's all you could ever be to me now the one that ruined everything, everything that should have ended a long time before then, i shouldnt hold a grudge because it needed to be done but it's hard to look back at our relationship and see good because looking back, all i did was work for you help you in all of the ways that i could and all you did is hurt me shove me down turn everyone against me and then befriend them make a club of people hating me just like middle school you made me relive one of the worst days i had that year but over a period of a few days and it's hard, so hard to not get heated with you but i cant help this burning desire to ask.. why? not why did you do it to me you dont know, i know you, you know nothing, but why do i miss you? I can hardly remember a time when i wasnt mad at you for something, the only good memories were of you embarrassing yourself, so why do i just want to go stalk your page and work up the courage to talk to you again because i know as soon as i do you will make me mad again