Every mans a poet, for from their heart flows, words that to; lover, wife,child brother or friend, Words that sounds like they are; from god's lips , that change the greyest day to blue, that inspires greatness.
These words may be mangled metaphors, dodgy rhymes, half remembered quotes mixed with hard won wisdom Or simple wrds spoken with excellent timing that gives hope to those within earshot.
There are those who excel at the artform and write poem after it poem, publish books and become revered as poets and there are those who put the poetry they write to music and become songwriters
But we mus also consider That there ate those who write the beauty they hear in their heads on scraps and snippets of paper which they then hidden away in a drawer forgotten and found after the writer's demise And there are those who write in the secret rooms inside thiet head on imaginary blackboards that will never be seen or heard.
And of course there are those who find a clan of like minded people online and write with the hope of encouragement and gentle criticism.
We are all poets, no matter if there is one line of words strung together that makes your soul or the soul of your loved one sing
Or if your output rivals that of the greatest acknowledged writers, with commendations and prizes galore.. Both are poets to me..