I’m running out of metaphors. In that sense, ‘metaphors’ is a metaphor for your time, not mine. And you’re running out of good years. In that sense, ‘good years’ is a metaphor for your options, also not mine. I wanted to be the one to make you happy, I wanted you to be the subject of my poetry. But what else can a woman like me do? I am a little girl in front of a man like you. What gift do you get a guy who seem to have it all? Where do you take a man who’s been everywhere? What song can you sing to someone who’s heard every sound? What else can you give to somebody who’s done it all? What poem can I write for you, that will make you want to choose me? And what can you do to impress a person who’s been with everyone?
Silence. Nowhere. Static. Nothing. Blank page. Radio silence.