perhaps the opening line of some little magnum opus does not begin with either lineage as proof of authenticity: as if ideas travel in biology and cells and not in the aether of some strange and quantum comings and goings of collective-ego monstrosity to parallel god the omni- litany that combines the intrinsic humanity of comparative... relative: nouns spills into adjectives... i have a vision of a paragraph that's only filled with p: in mirror: with an added T, i.e.:
it almost looks like musical notation: half a moon standing on two legs... at least that's with regards to seeing without speaking but reverse ¶ with something akin to the skeleton tongue and flesh eating eyes of the Huan and Ming and D'dzin: where do all the ying and the yangs the demons and the angels find refuge? i'm guessing somewhere a mile short / furthest away from Beijing... Bay of the Jinn: although i don't know much about where Beijing is situated but at least in my mind there's a story about a sleeping beauty a beauty and a beast and... not that many "charming people" except for exiled creatures...
so i wouldn't begin... like so: i'd end: unlike so: replace ¶ (the ideogram that lends itself to the complex spiderweb matrixes of then returning back to crude sounds)... Old Japanese still used Chinese ideograms to conjure up sounds: hence the need to make the eloquently crude in writing but speech nonetheless of man and man alike:
etymology and onomatopoeia along the lines of thinking about three birds...
the crow, the cuckoo and the sparrow... why? etymology and onomatopoeia: i will even employ two languages to explain:
vox et resonantia: the coo-coo... otherwise by name: due to its behaviour a seeker of cuck and helpless mother... the helpless mother so blind from grief at the infestation of the parasite much worse than the bird of brey and the savagery of hierarchy: that a bird might eat its own kind that man would toss man in a cauldron but the coo-coo became a cuckoo... how onomatopoeia begins and ends: but from there a noun... cuck- -ooh... the male surrogate is a cuck... and chicken was arrived at from the onomatopoeia of cluck-cluck-clucking?
(remember, the computer sonic jittering of the sparrows: coded messages, ask chatGPT for html code about how to encode sound...)
the crow as much said: KRA! CRA!
back to the cuckoo in another tonuge: the suffix -łka... mmmm'gła (fog)... kukułka... regardless how to give sound a form and say it is bird: k ú k ú or if you prefer: the apostrophe can be used in the English tongue as a diacritical marker without clear abode: making English a syllabary: kú kú can be(come) coo-coo but then coil, hyphen: but can be ku'ku' yet that sound is clear: distinct: hard to imagine so many other things in this world that make themselves not(!) known (yet not): unknown like a bucket has no dimension of sound beside something vague like tectonic shifts and geology laughter: of thing crunching thing... but a bucket doesn't equal a cuckoo: there is nothing distinct it doesn't breathe fly or: i just rearanged: i not i: some letters... and out came b u c k e t and out came g r a v e but not so the wind which is a staggering onomatopoeia just like i think the name of the god of Abraham who is beyond the Christian i don't want to brag but a patriarch is a patriarch and not the Muslim Prophet or the Christian mystic posit of the anti-thesis of Messiah: in terms of Moses being a military leader... so the son of man and my brother and all that talk...
we are still to talk about the crow... CRA! CRA! you hear it... the only insomniac bird i know and i've spent long nights alone and what bird could i hear in the night in the cosmopolitan area where men fled to sleep and conflated death with morose inflations of a day against the canvas of history... the crow: the crow would be the only bird flying in the night sky...
Cracow: Warsaw: Kraków: Kraken: -en -ów: City of Crows... and a city called Warsaw? by the Uprising mad genius ****** said: let no brick stand on brick but so much we learned from each other brother Deutzsche and brother Ruś'yn (Ruśyyn)
war is education: but how many more lessons are we going to teach each other: beyond these false educations of neo-con proxy war new age politics... how quickly Syria overcame its fear and said to both Russia and Iran what it had finally heart to say... there has been a Christian triumph in Syria: the quick expulsion of the wicked coward came through Christian intentions for Syria and not Islamic: by now only the Pakistani and minor Islamic nations are testing the barbaric waters of expansion: but if said expansion is most crude in England with... virgins... the idea is vague and almost stupid unlike how stupid the many gods but the strength of pagan intellect was equivalent to saying: the Mongols burned the library of Baghdad the early Christians bruned down the library of Alexandria...
cra! cra! i heard in the night... oh! oh i know that bird: i will call him a noble guest of memory and one who sooth my thoughts of death: but if ego is the only toy i will have to relieve myself off: i will gladly give up the toy ego and its deceptive utility as a character building tool: this deception of ego this worm in the flesh of the wound and fruit of the garden... i will give up the toy ego and pass into the realm of elements
so i asked:
- c<n you wr^te me the html code for encoding a soundbite of a sparrow singing?
- to encode a soundbite of a sparrow singing in HTML, you need an audio file (e.g. sparrow-song.mp3) hosted on your server or an external link. here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-witdth, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Sparrow Song</title> </head> <body> <h1>Sparrow Singing</h1> <audio controls> <source src="sparrow-song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio element . </audio> </body> </html>
or what letters: best approximation of moan and moo and moon and the cow godhead sitting upon the orb with less a crown and more a **** on the crown... i overhear stories of how feminity was crushed with the passport to the 20th century and 1980s cinema and babysitting and retirement state funded or else by other punctures...
i touch crystal upon the glass of glass it is said: sands... of earthworms i have laboured like one might over hyenas and spines of the elders of the dinosaur humanoids having escaped like taming t-rexes and mammals being behind the extinction of the mammoths... while keaping the timeless lase tradition: from lizard unto mammal and to insect humanoid you will strive... i have enough time on my hands... i'll be bored tomorrow... i can wait with God in the shrine of Yawns i prefer silence: God prefers music: i prefer the Church of Yawns and Yom Kippurs... and Alms... but if god deems music so worth the choir i prefer yawns... souls rebelling: whispers... moans of ***... i like the plethora of sensations associated with sound: music is perfection is mathematics i prefer philosophy and mud... so i don't reside in the Hall of Vowels blind by zenith of praise and voice no echo submit but is music is mathematics i prefer the philosophy and a woman moaning and a coworker farting and and and...
a crow's call does not need to be digitalized... it doesn't need to be encoded: nor does a a cuckoo's: they are so much like us... but a sparrow and the sparrow's language: needs to bypass the Vatican Dyslexia: and enter the realm of Cyborg and Japan... and how to decode or at least make good of the letters: sparrow...