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Oct 2013
he dusts off his former years
and wears them like a trophy
proudly strutting back and forth on the bridge
at the bottom of washington street
while all the locals line the street and cheer
his bright plumage
he duck walks through the town
past the diner and 'the wall' park
this is livin he thinks to himself
all his thoughts are bright and shiny
as the world seems to be to him that day
forever sunshine and deep smiles
illusions of the mind from hastings on the hudson

that night
he sits with radio playing softly
by the open summer window breeze
music he didn't grow up with stirring memories
that capture the Kodak moment
a smile delivered with such stunning conviction
that you might almost believe it wasn't
machine washed Americana propaganda
a single tear slips unnoticed from the corner of his baby blues

as dawn dances to her favored tune
and up her road in the sky
he sits in the approaching sunlight
and drinks in the emotion
that dawns create
new beginnings fresh starts
the girl from town sits beside him
and smiles for him
from over her college girl glasses
she peers at him with a real love
there are many roads to your today
but only one can hold your footprints at a time

a tub-thumper and
character in the movie playing in his mind
he makes sure his head is neatly combed
before making his grand entrance
putting your best foot forward can be a chore
so he brought one mail order
and leaves it out
the cat uses it for a scratching post
while he spend his days on the bridge
where at least theres a smile
even if it is an illusion of the mind
been hanging out with someone i know from hastings...i lived there a lifetime ago...seems like two lifetimes ago...
mark john junor
Written by
mark john junor  59/M
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