they say beauty doesn't last forever it's also said beauty is in the eye of the beholder so one of these things cannot be true because if I spend the rest of my life with you and if every day you say I am pretty then as long as you live I'll keep my beauty but who do you see, my view of the mirror? or a million pieces that cannot be put together? I think that's why all of my friends don't last they think it's easy to someone who looks like that until they are cut by my broken, shattered edges I'm left with my face, nothing more, nothing less. one day my hair will gray and my eyes will fade and I'll just be someone due for a grave unless you love me, then I will be young and beautiful until death separates us two lovesick fools I hope I die first so I never leave your gaze and that you will love me for all of our days. but it is not that i want to be pretty forever but that you will always be my beholder.