Too cool to suggest anything to I understand not wanting to waste your time But at a certain point you're just moving through life with a closed mind And too much pride How are you able to have a god and victim complex at the same time? I'd tell you that you should be studied but you'd smirk and whole heartedly agree Then go on and on about being the person who is the most interesting But you're really so exhausting Not everything needs to be so serious If a woman making music and showing her body distracts you so much then just stick to audio recordings instead of making it her issue that you fall victim to all because you have no self control Because which is more pitiful? A brain that can't see a woman without thinking about ***? Or a woman who openly admits she likes it. I can assure you it's not the latter What a woman is wearing while creating shouldn't ******* matter Your narrative is weak and outdated And while I'm at it what the **** have you created? I'd like to see you be half as creative as the **** you complain about seeing when you're not even listening You're just too cool aren't you