He is everything I remember and everything I had once tried to forget rumbling engine and tires on the wet street. I am shoes in the grass, kicking leaves walking through cold drizzle and gasping wind, dark sky on a moonless night.
He is the blue pickup truck with the window down his face lit by a cigarette drag, something I’ve seen a thousand times before handsome face warmed by the orange glow. I settle into my spot beside him as stagnant cigarette film settles on me silently clinging to my clothes and swirling into my hair.
Our fingers brush as he hands me that glass pipe smoke wisps twirl out of our lips and mingle together rushing out of the doors into the night sky as we walk together under it, now we’re inside and he is the touch I’ve been anticipating.
The last thing I see is brown eyes and I feel his kiss bristling my face, consuming me like we will never experience this again. He is blonde hair and a brown beard, he is strong, he is tall. He is everything I wanted.
I am satisfied, carefree, if only for a moment. Studying the lines of his face, how they have changed, the startling way he is his grandfather’s face, showing through those dark eyes. When he leaves, he is a kiss that dissipates with the sound of the engine turning down the block.
I am alone. The mirror displays a flushed, smiling face with tones of pink and peach, silently studying the details. I see my mother and grandmother in my own reflection I see their age making way down my skin. Marbled green eyes, dark in color, mine yellow flecked. my mother’s mixed aqua. my grandmother’s deep green.
My pulse rushes with the realization that it goes so fast My eyes fill with tears as I imagine looking into the eyes my own children and theirs I picture those deep green tones reminding me of generations past I breathe in realizing what I’ve seen and what I feel I need. I am the details and complexity of life, one of many heirs. {360 words}
This poem is quite literally word *****. I was typing ferociously to remember this exact night and the way things happened.