Every day at lunch I get the same thing It's the most edible thing they have
I grab it And go to pay
I say hi to the lunch lady And ask her how is her day She says good She asks me I say good (Even though I’m not really)
I punch in my number Smile at her She says I’m “good to go” I say thank you And she says you're welcome and You're a very sweet and kind girl I said thank you And left
It saddened me That I was probably the nicest to her That they all just made a mess Yelled Didn't even look up at her after taking their food Not even a smile Or a polite thank you
I respect these people Maybe more than my teachers honestly They have really hard jobs Dealing with kids And I know they barely make any money
Who ever said That when they grew up They wanted to be a lunch lady? I wonder what went wrong It hope they're okay So what if they're like 50 years older than me I think I'm friends with my lunch lady I think more people should be
At least I know she smiles at least once a day
(This note was written by the breakdancer that dances on strictly pepperoni pizza and pepperoni pizza only)