When will I crouch down in disbelief, Holding a beeping metal rod as I Stare down at the unfeeling mud That hides my supposed salvation? Do I find these answers that I seek Because I am out looking for them On windswept ***** beaches, both Crowded and filled with lightning, Or do I never find them at all?
I rest for nothing. Day or night, I sift through granulated rock, Hoping to find something slightly Shiny, even if my hands are ruined And red from the relentless digging.
All along, the answers were not At my feet, but resting on my shoulder: A gentle hand, a waiting embrace, And a father who wanted to walk With me, not watch as I scrambled On rocks to insanity—I found Gilded answers, but not through A machine or mindlessly scratching. I found the greatest treasure of all: My Lord & Savior, Jesus.