COME VIENE...VIENE! (WHAT COMES...COMES!) - for Paolo Sandulli
The sun is preaching her sermon
to the town of Praiano
that clings to the cliffs in wonder.
Here in her hand of light & water
she tells the parables of pebbles.
One wave waves to another as she walks upon the water.
Bells undress Time disrobe her of her hours.
Lemons grow big-bellied on branches
pregnant with yellow.
The juice of the Future
praying in a church of trees.
Here, a congregation of butterflies & bees.
Grapes dream of being turned into wine.
Figs ripen with pleasure.
The gods of pagan times survive
disguised as statues.
I only believing in the religion of
a woman’s laughter.
And even now as darkness
grows upon the rose
it’s as if the sunlight never leaves
only changes colour
and the sunlight darkens only to blossom
into the next morning in love with Time.
This was written for the Italian artist/cramic sculptor Paolo Sandulli who has a studio in an old Saracen tower overlooking Praiano called Torre a Mare. His work and his workplace are magical and deliciously fantastic making the mind smile and the soul laugh as he creates a NUOVE MITOLOGIE MEDITERRANEE with his love of place and people. Delightful and enthralling.
Check out Paolo's creations at
The title in the English version comes from the Italian menu which is the chief's comes...comes..ok? The title like Paolo's work amused me so much that it became the poem's name. The dish itself was a pizza with a midrash of everything and anything.
Il sole è la sua predicazione predica
alla città di Praiano
che si aggrappa alle scogliere a meraviglia.
Qui in mano di luce e acqua
racconta le parabole di ciottoli.
Una ondata onde ad un altro come lei cammina sulle acque.