your head laid on my stomach ear against my belly button you held my hand against your check eyes closed breathing slowly
you would blink your eyes every so often because they would get damp every once in a while with your eyes closed and breathing slowly
i knew it had always been hard for you it's always hard for me, too as we lay in my living room knowing the day will come soon with our eyes closed and breathing slowly
tuesday will come and my plane will take me back to my second home as i buckle my seat, leaving my heart behind me eyes closed and breathing slowly
"i am just so much happier when you are here" you pushed my hand deeper into your cheek "there's a part of me that's missing when you're gone" you said, as your eyes were closed and you breathed slowly
"you're the only one i trust with my deepest emotions" i looked into your glistening eyes "i don't think anyone else will listen to my pain and not judge me for it except you," i said then my eyes closed and my breaths inhaled slowly
and we held each other through the night until sunday inevitably became monday morning and i walked you to your car because you had work in the morning we embraced with our eyes closed and breathed slowly
we knew we had one more day to hold and laugh and forget about pain and as you kissed my forehead then moved to my cheek and lips